Home Sensorimotor Neural Engineering Lab

Join us!

We are looking to recruit research assistants/engineers, graduate students, masters students, visiting students, and postdoctoral fellows! Postings for specific positions are below! In the meantime, if you're interested in joining or learning more about the lab please get in touch with Preeya (pkhanna at berkeley dot edu).

Please include in your email your CV, a brief description of your research background and experience, the position you're interested in (e.g. graduate student, postdoc, research assistant/engineer), and a description of why you're interested in the lab. Also please note in your email if you've had research experience in any of the following areas: team software engineering projects, signal processing, AI/reinforcement learning, neurophysiological data analysis, systems/computational neuroscience, design of behavioral setups with sensors/actuators, or animal behavioral training.

If you are prospective graduate student for Fall 2024, please include "GSR2024" in the subject line of your email.

Job Postings:

2024 undergraduate summer research assistants : We are looking for a couple of undergraduate students to help develop our lab's movement tracking technologies. These positions are in-person (no remote) and have flexible start and end dates. This is a great way to get some research experience and contribute to the neural engineering field! See job description and way to apply here!